I'm sorry to say that I've once again injured myself and am on my sickbed. I'm glad to say though, that I am still at home and I'm not as sick as this time last year.
It all happened when I spring a fox from the bushes during a mid-afternoon walk - I sometimes try chasing the birds that I spring, but a fox... definitely worth a chase. As you can guess, I become completely deaf when I'm that excited and clearly wasn't concentration about where I was running.
I've managed to slash open two of the pads on my right from paw. There was blood everywhere and it was raining heavily. I had blood over all four paws and round my mouth when I limped back to Mum - I think she got a bit of a shock.
So... I'm on my sickbed... consigned to the front garden and grass - no walks, no rough play and definitely no ball chasing... rubbish.